
The rocky shore of the southern coast of Garut, which is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, is strongly influenced by large energy waves. This condition has an impact on marine biota, especially macroalgae. Macroalgae that grow in these waters are macroalgae with high adaptation. The aims of this study were to determine the diversity, adaptation and potency of macroalgae on the rocky shore of the southern coast of Garut, West Java. Observation of macroalgae on the southern coast of Garut was conducted on May 2016. The study was conducted in nine locations, namely Bubujung, Karang Paranje, Santolo Indah, Karang Papak, Taman Manalusu, Cicalobak, Karang Wangi, Ranca Buaya 1 dan Ranca Buaya 2. Macroalgae samples were collected by the transect quadrate method. Parameters measured were species, standing crops biomass and substrates of macroalgae. A total of 44 species (21 genera) of macroalgae have been successfully collected from the southern coast of Garut, West Java. The adaptation of macroalgae on the large energy waves was by morphological changes. There are 13 of 21 genera of macroalgae that were collected which were the economically potential. Hormophysa, Padina, Sargassum and Turbinaria are alginate producers, whereas, Gelidiella and Gracilaria are agarose producers.

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