
Twelve elements were analyzed by the ICPAES method for macro (calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, potassium, sodium) and micro (cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese) elements. The macro and micro elements of yak (Qilian) milk were analyzed among different farms and a significant difference was found in phosphorus and sulphur concentrations (P<0.05). Potassium) and sulphur concentrations in yak milk were higher while calcium concentrations were similar to cow milk but lower than milk of other species. Sodium, magnesium and phosphorus concentrations found in this study were in the midrange of those in milk of different animal species. The higher concentrations of potassium and lower concentrations of sodium found in yak milk should be of benefit to patients with hyperpiesia. The composition of yak milk was particularly rich in cobalt, manganese and chromium, while it was deficient in zinc.

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