
In spite of many languages being spoken in India, it is difficult for the people to understand foreign languages like English, Spanish, Italian, etc. The recognition and synthesis of speech are prominent emerging technologies in natural language processing and communication domains. This paper aims to leverage the open source applications of these technologies, machine translation, text-to-speech system (TTS), and speech-to-text system (STT) to convert available online resources to Indian languages. This application takes an English language video as an input and separates the audio from video. It then divides the audio file into several smaller chunks based on the timestamps. These audio chunks are then individually converted into text using IBM Watson's speech-to-text (STT) module. The obtained text chunks are then concatenated and passed to Google's machine translate API for conversion to the requested Indian language. After this translation, a TTS system is required to convert the text into the desired audio output. Not many open source TTS systems are available for Indian regional languages. One such available application is the flite engine (a lighter version of Festival engine developed by Prof. Alan Black at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)). This flite engine is used as TTS for generating audio from translated text. The accuracy of the application developed can be as high as 91 percent for a single video and averages about 79 percent. This accuracy is verified by comparing naturality of the audio with the general spoken language. This application is beneficial to visually impaired people as well as individuals who are not capable of reading text to acquire knowledge in their native language. In future, this application aims to achieve ubiquitous communication enabling people of different regions to communicate with each other breaking the language barriers.

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