
Abstract For smart cities, electric vehicles (EVs) are promisingly considered as a striving industry due to its pollution-less behaviours and easy-to-maintain characteristics. A seamless management system is necessary to manage the energy between EV and various parties participating in the grid operation. To facilitate the energy system in a distributed and coordinated way, a machine-to-machine (M2M) system can be considered as the key component in future intelligent transportation systems. Due to the ubiquitous range and data speed, a fourth-generation (4G) cellular-based long-term evaluation (LTE) system inspires us to select it as a potential carrier for M2M communication. However, various simulation and analytical modelling end up with the conclusion that the maximum 250 EVs can be connected under an LTE base station. These limitations or scalability limits may result in a terrible mix-up in future smart cities for over dense roads. In this paper, we measured various M2M quality of services performance for exceeding the number of EVs by using three popular algorithms (proportional fair scheduling, modified largest weighted delay first scheduling and exponential scheduling). The result shows that the proportional fair scheduler has the highest packet loss ratio (PLR) and delay time as compared to other two schedulers.

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