
Breast cancer is one of the most significant global health challenges. Effective diagnosis and prognosis prediction are crucial for improving patient outcomes in the case of this disease. As machine learning (ML) has significantly improved prediction models in many disciplines, the goal of this study is to develop a ML system for medical specialists that can accurately predict tumor diagnosis and patient survival for breast cancer patients. For the training of diagnosis and survival prediction, five algorithmic models—decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), naive bayes (NB), support vector machines (SVMs), and gradient boosting—were trained with 569 records from the Breast Cancer Wisconsin dataset and 1,980 records from the Breast Cancer Gene Expression Profiles dataset. The results showed that the NB model exhibited better performance for tumor diagnosis, achieving an accuracy of 95.0%, while RF presented the best results for patient survival, with an accuracy of 76.0%. A survey of medical experts’ experience with the resulting system showed high scores in reliability, performance, satisfaction, usability, and efficiency, confirming that ML systems have the potential to improve breast cancer patient outcomes.

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