
Improvements in big data and machine learning algorithms have helped AI technologies reach a new breakthrough and have provided a new opportunity for quantitative research in the social sciences. Traditional quantitative models rely heavily on theoretical hypotheses and statistics but fail to acknowledge the problem of overfitting, causing the research results to be less generalizable, and further leading to societal predictions in the social sciences being ignored when they should have been meaningful. Machine learning models that use cross validation and regularization can effectively solve the problem of overfitting, providing support for the societal predictions based on these models. This paper first discusses the sources and internal mechanisms of overfitting, and then introduces machine learning modeling by discussing its high-level ideas, goals, and concrete methods. Finally, we discuss the shortcomings and limiting factors of machine learning models. We believe that using machine learning in social sciences research is an opportunity and not a threat. Researchers should adopt an objective attitude and make sure that they know how to combine traditional methods with new methods in their research based on their needs.

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