
The available nutrient status of the mulberry gardens in the districts of Tamil Nadu is analyzed and evaluated to find the status. In this work, the soil is classified based on the test report to a number of features with fertility indices for boron (B), organic carbon (OC), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), and available boron (B), along with the parameter soil reaction (pH). A total of 10 steps are used for cross‐validation purposes wherein in every step, the data involves 10% for validation and the remaining for training data. A fast learning classification methodology known as extreme learning method (ELM) is trained using the data to identify the micronutrients present in the soil. Activation functions such as hard limit, triangular basis, hyperbolic tangent, sine‐squared, and Gaussian radial basis are used to optimize the methodology. Based on the analysis performed, the nutrients are classified and the optimal soil conditions are proposed for different regions that are analyzed. Based on the study conducted, it is found that the soils in Tamil Nadu have normal electrical conductivity and are red in colour. They are found to be rich in potassium (35% of the samples), nitrogen (80% of the samples), and sulphur (75% of the sample) and sufficient or poor in magnesium, boron, zinc, and copper.

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