
As a result of our 2009 three-month-long survey and the 2010 two-month-long archaeological excavations, we can state that we understand much better the architectural and archaeological heritage of Machaerus, as ever before. After the field work we have such a scientific data base in our hands (the complete architectural description, the data of the geophysical surveys combined by the information provided by the seven excavation trenches and approximately 7000 large scale professional digital photographs), which gives the base of the scientific archaeo- architectural analytical work that will preserve the heritage of Machaerus, pregnant with the information for the next generations. After the completion of our work, we will give a recommendation to the Government of Jordan for an architectural monumental preservation and consolidation that can give a creative and new presentation for the visitors and the pilgrims of this precious Biblical site for the third millennium. This is the historical place, where, according to Flavius Josephus (AJ XVIII 5, 2) one of the holiest men of his era (known as Yokhanan the Baptiser; Saint John the Baptist, the Forerunner and Precursor of Jesus Christ; Prophet Yahya ibn Zakariyya) was imprisoned and killed by Herod Antipas nearly 2000 years ago. With the help of God, the Final Report will be published by the present author on the history, archaeology and architecture of the fortified royal palace, overlooking the Dead Sea in Jordan, titled: MACHAERUS.

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