
The purpose of this article is to identify the language means of objectifying hypertext and interdiscourse of the work of Sergei Minaev. The object of the study is the language of postmodern discourse. The subject of the study is macaronic language as a foreign language component in the novel of S. Minaev «Dukhless», which is included in the literary text with specific objectives and endowed with its own set of functions in accordance to the explicit or implicit author’s intention. The study of the material was carried out mainly with the help of a synchronous-descriptive method with elements of analysis at the level of deep semantics. In some cases, the method of linguistic experiment and transformation was used. Conclusions: macaronic language functions include: comic, nominative, aesthetic, aggressive demonstration of language competence. The conventional view on macaronic language as a tool that is used to create a comic effect is not confirmed in the works of modern linguists, often macaronic language is put on a par with barbarisms and the distinctiveness facet fades out between them. For macaronic language, any foreign language is included.

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