
The paper introduces professor MA Hui-fang's experience in age-related macular degeneration treated with acupuncture at Jingming (BL 1). It is believed that the basic pathogenesis of this disease refers to liver and kidney insufficiency and weakness of spleen qi. Based on the academic ideas of yang qi and meridian-collateral system, the treatment principle is proposed as "invigorating yang qi, replenishing the liver and kidney and nourishing the spleen and stomach". Regarding acupoint selection, Jingming (BL 1) is specially used, combined with the 4 front-mu points (Zhongwan [CV 12], Guanyuan [CV 4] and bilateral Tianshu [ST 25]), as well as the empirical points for eye diseases (Jingming [BL 1], Baihui [GV 20] and Zulinqi [GB 41]). Concerning to needling technique, shuci (transport needling), fenci (intermuscular needling) and yuandaoci (distal needling) are dominated. Eventually, a set of unique therapeutic method has been accumulated through professor MA Hui-fang's clinical practice in treatment of age-related macular degeneration.

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