
I. Gonadal dysgenesys: Streak gonad, Ovaryan and Testicular dysgenesys, Ovotestis. II. Uterovaginal anomalies: 1. vaginal aplasia: utero-vaginal aplasia (MRKH syndrome) 2. compete cervico-vaginal aplasia and partial vaginal aplasia 3. unicornuate uterus: with functional uterine horn, unfunctional uterine horn, without horn 4. uterus duplex: symmetric form with duplication of vagina, asymmetric with aplasia of hemivagina 5. bicornuate uterus: complete, incomplete forms and arcuate uterus 6. septate uterus: complete septum with vaginal duplication, incomplete septum 7. fallopian tubes anomaly: absence of tube, additional fimbria. III. External genitalia virilization: I-V degree by Von Prader. Conclusions: The systematic analysis of all clinical cases, allows to suggest new systematyzation and upgrade clinico-morphological classification for optimize the appropriate surgical correction of female patients with various genital malformations.

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