
We figure there's all kinds of whores in this particular place and we are both very happy about it because we never expected it. We sort of hoped there would be some whores in this part of town, but they kept telling us you can never find a whore on Monday. They're supposed to go to church and pray or go to the ceme tery and put flowers on their relatives' graves and generally behave in a ladylike manner until Tuesday morning, when they all come out in the sun at nine o'clock and start acting up and making all kinds of gestures and they go on all day and all night like machines. We guess these here whores are in pretty bad shape financially speaking, and most of them look like it, but we're getting so drunk on cheap wine we don't give a damn about it. In fact, M'Wanna M'Bella is very excited, and he says he's gonna light a joint of this black stuff that he got. I'm gonna get hallucinations, he says, and hallucinations on tops of hallucinations. Like you look at one of them whores in those cheap colorful rags and you take a real big drag on the joint and you hold your breath. Then the old doll kinda falls apart, he says, in very colorful bits and you get a funny whine in your ears with a rhythm to it, so that the rags will go tweeng-tweeng. Have you ever tried it, he says. No, I say. I also say he'd better not light up the joint, on account of this here is a strange town and people are always objecting to your smoking any thing but tobacco. I'm very surprised at M'Wanna M'Bella because he looks at me very seriously and agrees. I agree, he says, and we sit down at this table quite contented and happy and all smiles and niceties. M'Wanna M'Bella gets nice to me and I get nice to him. I say, please, sir, after you, sir, are you comfortable, sir. And he says, no, sir, I insist, sir, what will you have, sir. We keep on doing that for awhile like we're having a great deal of fun doing it, and finally I can't help burping and M'Wanna M'Bella pretends he's very upset and shakes his big head and puts his hand over his mouth like he says the women in his tribe do when they are embarrassed. Now these guys are watching us, at first without under standing and then laughing, but M'Wanna M'Bella doesn't like that people laugh at him, so he frowns very powerfully at these people and they all stop laughing,

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