
In this paper we derive, by means of harmonic analysis,the complete spectrum of Osp(2|4)×SU(2)×SU(2)×SU(2) multiplets from which oneobtains compactifying D = 11 supergravity on thehomogeneous space Q111. In particular, we analysethe structure of the short multiplets and compare themto the corresponding composite operators of the \U0001d4a9 = 2 conformal field theory dual to such acompactification, found in a previous publication. Wefind complete agreement between the quantum numbers ofthe supergravity multiplets on one hand and those of theconformal operators on the other hand, confirming thestructure of the conjectured SCFT. However, thedetermination of the actual spectrum by harmonic analysisteaches us a lot more: indeed we find out whichmultiplets are present for each representation of theisometry group, how many there are, the exact values ofthe hypercharge and of the `energy' for each multiplet.

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