
Мykola Storozhenko is an outstanding Ukrainian artist of the 20th and early 21st centuries, who successfully worked in various genres and types of the art: monumental and decorative painting, mosaics, easel oil painting, easel and book graphic arts, etc. Metaphoric system of M.A. Storozhenko in monumental art is determined by a number of cultural and artistic factors. It is established that the artistic and aesthetic principles of the monumental art of M.A. Storozhenko were formed on the basis of the synthesis of the Byzantine art with the national culture. The innovative methods of the outstanding master were examined and traditional influences on the artistic imagery of the monumental works of M.A. Storozhenko were revealed. It is proved that the search for the appropriate plastic language and experiments with the form were aimed to create a new metaphoric system, based on the synthesis of traditions and innovations

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