
This research deals with the immediate consequences of the subordination of the most influential prince of Southern Rus', Daniel Romanovich, to the Mongol Empire at the beginning of 1246. It considers the problem of issuing symbols of Mongolian kaans' power to subordinate rulers, jarligs (yarlyks) and paitza, to the Galician and Volhynian princes (knyazes), conducting censuses of population on the conquered Galician-Volhyn lands for taxation, and introduction of taxes and duties by the Mongols in the territories, they conquered. Due to the conciseness of sources, in the GalicianVolhynian lands existence only part of the taxes and duties, known in other lands of Rus', can be confirmed. More clear conclusions can be drawn regarding the problem on introduction the Mongols’ possible direct rule in Galicia, however currently known sources cannot reaffirm this assumption. In the same way, the sources do not contain information about the Horde origin of a small specific stratum of the population called “Ordyntsy” and “Kalannyie” on the territory of Galicia. The combination of known factors in the subordination of the Galician-Volhynian princes confirms the previously made assumptions about their rather specific status within the Mongol Empire.

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