
Collision-induced transitions between rotational levels of OCS in the ground vibrational state have been investigated by steady-state microwave double resonance, with the M sublevels separated by a Stark field. The (2 ← 1) P-(1 ← 0) S, (3 ← 2) P-(1 ← 0) S, and (4 ← 3) P-(1 ← 0) S systems have been studied for pure OCS and for mixtures with excess CH 3OH, He, and H 2. For four-level systems having dipolar connections (Δ J = 1; Δ M = 0, ± 1; parity ± ∓ ⊣) between pump and signal levels, it is found for OCS and the OCS-CH 3OH mixture that the dipole-type Δ J = 1 transitions always dominate the collisional transfer, but for the OCS-He and OCS-H 2 mixtures that Δ J = 2 quadrupole-type transitions are dominant. For all four collision partners, significant Δ J = 2 and Δ J = 3 collisional transfer is observed in some systems, indicating the presence of high-order terms in the collisional interaction.

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