
The most interesting and important discoveries made during excavations at the Phanagoria acropolis (“The Upper City” excavation) in the last decade are connected with investigation of strata and structures of the second half of the 6th–first half of the 5th centuries BC, as well as with the end of the 2nd–first half of 1st centuries BC. This can be explained primarily by the fact that the strata of other periods have been more poorly preserved or not preserved at all. Preliminary remarks are given in this paper on materials of one interesting architectural complex of the first half of 4th century BC that was constructed on the place of a public building that burned down in the mid-5th century BC. Analysis of the remaining wall foundations allows us to determine the area of the building and its planning. On this basis it is possible to assume that the building had at least two floors. Its roof was tiled. The entrance to the building, adorned with a portico with two columns, was located on the east side. The house was enclosed on three sides (west, north, and east) by paved squares and a street, while on one side (south) it bordered on a large substantial structure whose function is obscure. It is also impossible now to draw conclusions on the functional purpose of the building (460), which was destroyed by a conflagration in 350s BC.

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