
Lythruni is a cosmopolitan genus containing about 35 species. LythriUii hy)ssopWioliuwn is usually considered a native of the British Isles (Salisbury 1970; Fl. Br. Isl. 1987; Stace 1997), although this is not without doubt (Preston & Whitehouse 1986). A glabrous, usually summer, annual. Root system simple, normally consisting of only the taproot augmented by fine, secondary laterals. Stem (5-)10-25 (-60) cm, erect to decumbent, unbranched to muchbranched. Leaves sessile, usually suberect, 1-2.5cm long, linear to linear-oblong (to oblong-ovate in lower leaves) and alternate (sometimes opposite in lower leaves); apex acute to mucronate. Flowers in leaf axils towards the stem apex: numerous, erect, adpressed, monomorphic, perigynous, subsessile and solitary (rarely paired or clustered). Hypanthium 46 mm, narrowly funnel-shaped in flower and cylindrical in fruit. Petals six (sometimes five), free, 23 mm long, pink, borne near the apex of the tubular hypanthium. Epicalyx segments 6, 1-1.5 mm long, subulate, about twice as long as the deltate sepals. Calyx teeth 4 and c. 0.75 mm long. Stamens (4-) 6 (-9) and graduated in length. Ovary two-celled, each cell having many ovules on the axile placentas. Style 1.5-2mm long and stigma capitate. The fruit is a capsule 4-10 mm long, subcylindrical, adpressed and enclosed within the hypanthium. It opens by two valves, splitting at the apex, and contains four rows of seeds. Each capsule has (13-) 25 (-37) seeds (n1 = 100; SE = 0.5). The seeds are oval, sometimes trigonous, but with one face flattened or concave, about 0.6 mm in diameter and weighing 0.1 mg. There does not seem to be any significant infraspecific variation, although there can be substantial phenotypic variation within populations. In particular, this is related to the season of germination [see V(B)] and the vegetation community (see IV). In Britain, L. hyssopifoliutn is a scarce annual of disturbed ground, where it is dependent on winter flooding. I. Geographical and altitudinal distribution

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