
Mass spectrometry using a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) instrument is a widespread technique for various types of proteomic analysis. Along with an expanding interest in proteomics, there is a strong requirement for the identification of proteins with high confidence from biological samples. Peptide modification by a wide variety of post-translational modifications (PTMs), the existence of different protein isoforms and the presence of uncharacterized genomes of many species, make protein identification through peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) often unachievable. Peptide de novo sequencing has been proven to be a useful approach to overcome these variables, and efficient derivatization processes are important tools to achieve this goal. In the present work we describe the methodology and experimental applications of a fast, efficient and cheap lysine derivatization. This chemical modification improves the signals from lysine-terminated peptides and can be efficiently used as a lysine-blocking agent in combination with other derivatization techniques. Most importantly, upon peptide fragmentation it generates a neat series of predominantly y-ions, allowing the determination of unambiguous amino acid sequences. Moreover, this chemical compound was used with target-eluted samples, enabling a second, alternative analysis of the same sample in the MALDI mass spectrometer.

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