
Cutaneous CD8+ epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma is a recently described rare primary cutaneous lymphoma exhibiting aggressive clinical behavior. Only about twenty cases have been described in the literature. Below we report a case involving unusual association of cutaneous vasculitis and lymphoproliferation.A 42-year-old senegalese man was hospitalized for cutaneous nodular lesions, which rapidly spread and became necrotic and ulcerated. he had recent weight loss with fever and multiple enlarged lymph nodes. Cutaneous histological analysis showed epidermotropic dermal infiltrate comprising medium and large cd8+ cytotoxic t-cells of unusual angiocentricity with cutaneous vasculitis and fibrinoid necrosis. the patient died 4 months after initiation of treatment with multi-agent chemotherapy.This patient presented the characteristics of primary cutaneous CD8+ epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma described by Berti. The clinical findings in most cases consist of nodular and ulcerative cutaneous lesions. Histologically, the cutaneous infiltrate is composed of pleomorphic lymphocytes with marked and constant epidermotropism. Immunohistochemistry shows lymphocytes expressing a CD8+ phenotype and cytotoxic proteins, which probably accounts for the local and systemic aggressiveness of the disease, as well as the angiodestructive nature of the infiltrate and the necrotic lesions.

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