
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses T and B cell lymphomagenesis in AKR mice. The high susceptibility of AKR mice to spontaneous T cell lymphomagenesis is dependent on the presence of an intact thymus and is associated with two classes of endogenous retroviruses. The chapter demonstrates the presence of potential lymphoma cells that have the capacity to develop into T cell lymphomas, among fetal liver cells, and mostly among bone marrow cells of young intact or thymectomized AKR mice. Enhanced T cell lymphomagenesis is either potential lymphoma cell (PLC) dependent or independent of the presence of both the PLCs and dual tropic recombinant murine leukemia viruses (DTVs), thus involving a direct transformation of thymocytes. Prevention of spontaneous T cell lymphomagenesis in AKR mice is attained either by preventing DTV formation in the thymus or by PLC eradication. Different experimental models of tumor dormancy, involving exogenous tumor cell challenge in normal pretreated mice, have been described. These experimental manipulations provided means to study the role of PLC and DTV in the pathogenesis of T and B cell lymphomagenesis in AKR mice. The present AKR model involves the occurrence of spontaneous endogenous dormant PLCs, thereby providing a unique model for studying host factors that contribute to the long-lasting PLC dormant state and PLC growth recurrence.

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