
The absolute numbers of total leukocytes, lymphocytes. T cells, helper/inducer, suppressor/cytotoxic and B cells were decreased in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic Chagas' disease. Since antilymphocyte antibodies were present only in a minority of patients they probably cannot account for the abnormalities in lymphocyte subsets. Patient neutrophils stimulated with endotoxin-treated autologous plasma showed depressed chemotactic activity and this seems to be an intrinsic cellular defect rather than plasma inhibition. Random migration of neutrophils was normal. Reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium by endotoxin-stimulated neutrophils was also decreased. These findings further document the presence of immunosuppression in human Chagas' disease. They may be relevant to autoimmunity, defense against microorganisms and against tumor cells at least in a subset of patients with more severe abnormalities.

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