
Fifteen clinically healthy calves were sampled every week during the first 5 weeks of life and thereafter every month until the age of 6 months. The percentages and absolute values of CD4+, CD8+ γδ TCR+ and WC1+ T cells, CD21+ B cells and NKp46+ NK cells were determined by flow cytometry, and the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor α chain (CD25) was measured to assess the level of activation of the lymphocyte subpopulations. Neutrophil phagocytosis, respiratory burst and bactericidal activity were measured in five different neutrophil function assays. Most of the parameters examined reached a stable level during the first 6 months of life. The proportions of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes remained relatively stable during the study period, while there was a moderate decrease in the relative percentage of γδ T cells from birth to approximately 5 months of age. However, the absolute numbers of γδ T cells per millilitre of blood remained stable throughout the study period and did not display significant variation with age. The percentage of cells expressing the B-cell maturation marker CD21 increased significantly over the first 5 months of life. The proportion of NK cells showed substantial variation during the study. Marked differences in the relative proportions of the lymphocyte subpopulations were noted between the individual calves, and the individual ranking of the animals was largely maintained over time. CD25 expression was detected on a mean of 6.6% of the CD4+ cells, while a lower percentage of the other lymphocyte subpopulations expressed this receptor. Phagocytic activity was demonstrated in approximately 90% of the neutrophils, and this proportion remained stable during the entire study period, while respiratory burst activity showed a moderate decrease during the first 2 months of life. The present study shows that the T-cell subpopulations are present in peripheral blood of calves at levels comparable with adult values, while the B-cell population increases significantly with age. The decrease in the relative percentage of γδ T cells appears to be attributable to an increase in the absolute numbers of CD4+ and CD21+ cells, rather than a change in absolute γδ T-cell numbers. Furthermore, the results indicate that the neutrophilic granulocytes are functional and able to mount an effective response in young calves from the first week of life.

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