
Lymphangioma was first described in 1879 by Tilbury Fox and Colcott Fox, under the title of Lymphangiectodes, 1 although Tilbury Fox had given a suggestive description of this disease entity in 1862. 2 The name lymphangioma circumscriptum was given to the disease by Morris in 1893, 3 and it seems to be an appropriate one, even though many synonyms appear in the literature. Various forms of therapy have been advocated, varying from roentgen rays to cauterization. Because of the scarring which would result, I decided to use solid carbon dioxide. REPORT OF A CASE C. G., a white woman aged 26, reported that vesicular lesions of the skin developed in the right subscapular area when she was 6 months old. Since that time this area has never been entirely free of the eruption. However, the number of the lesions varied from time to time. Mild trauma resulted first in

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