
Straipsnyje iškeliama aktuali lyčių ugdymo problema. Autorė siekia ne tik išanalizuoti lyčių skirtumus, bet ir atskleisti jų diskriminacijos apraiškas, slypinčias Slovėnijos švietimo sistemoje, o ypač išryškinti jų atspindį Slovėnijos ugdymo turinyje. Pažymėtina, kad lyčių skirtumai aptariami vadovaujantis feministine ir pozityvistine gnoseologija. Autorė pabrėžia, kad bent feministinė teorija leidžia nuodugniau ir objektyviau ištirti ignoruojamus edukacinius lyčių ugdymo aspektus. Pasitelkusi šią teoriją, autorė analizuoja Slovėnijos mokyklos ugdymo turinį. Pateikdama turinio analizę lyčių skirtumų aspektu, atskleidžia nemažai lyčių diskriminacijos atvejų. Autorės nuomone, nepaisant deklaruojamos lyčių lygybės, ugdymo turinyje, taip pat visoje Slovėnijos švietimo sistemoje galima aptikti lyčių nelygybės ir diskriminacijos apraiškų. Tačiau šias apraiškas ji linkusi vadinti „paslėptomis". Antra vertus, „paslėptų" lyčių diskriminacijos apraškų aptinkama ne vien ugdymo turinyje, bet ir kasdienėje veikloje bei visoje pedagoginėje praktikoje.


  • Tb start by way of anecdotal evidence: l havc participatcd in the in-scrvicc training for prc­ school tcachcrs in Slovenia for some years, and the question of scxual difference and/or discrimi­ nation on these grounds was almost invariably rcceived with surprise

  • The "Rccommendations in Special Didac­ tics" for the second grade of this curriculum puts it this way: In directive conversations and when talking about photos, attention should be given to devel­ oping a climate of cooperation between boys and girls, and not of cxclusion in group work and gamcs. This is vcry general, and whilc thc curricula differ somewhat in structurc at differing lcvcls of specificity, there is a possibility to be more dctailed on thcsc issues and to avoid stereotyping, as proven in the curriculum mentioned abovc

  • One of the possibilitics is to devclop and standardize the so called Recommcndations in Special Didactics (RSD), which are a part of al­ most all the curricula

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Valerija Vendramin

Introduction ln this articlc, l will focus on thc conccpt of cur­ riculum and cspccially hiddcn curriculum. l scc the lattcr as a "sitc" where social and cultural contradictions and rigid rcpresentations are most likely to be at work. l will touch upon the problem of rescarch in the spherc of education and gender. The main opposing argumcnt was that in our (Slovenc) school sys­ tem there is no discrimination on the basis of gcnder, and that boys and girls are trcated cqually It is preciscly this "unquestionablcncss'', this self-evidence, that can be vcry revealing. The edu­ cational rcsearch is often intercstcd in the (sup­ posed) differences between the achievement of boys and the achievement of girls. Such differ­ cnces are based on statistical significance and are (too) often taken as "real", which, in turn, prcscnts a basis for all sorts of claims (both sci­ entific and common sensc) about girls and women. Feminism too is a strugglc for common knowledgc, a strugglc over what will count as rational accounts of the world, struggles over how to see (Haraway, 1991, p. 194)

Reading the Curriculum
So how does all this apply to the question of gender?
The Case of Slovenia
Concluding Remarks
List of Relevant Web Pages
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