
carolinianum L. appears in the first edition of the Species Plantarum,1 the name being based on the description and figure in Dillenius' Historia Muscorum2 of Lycopodium pinnatum repens, spicis et pediculis singularibus longis. There is no specimen of the species in the Linnean Herbarium in London, but in the herbarium of Dillenius, preserved at Oxford, the writer has had the privilege of examining the specimen which formed the basis of the description and figure in the This specimen, which is thus the type, is stated by Dillenius to have been collected in Carolina by one Marcus Catesby. The sheet on which it is mounted contains three other specimens of Lycopodium: one of L. inundatum, one of L. alopecuroides and another which may also be L. alopecuroides. The sheet, in fact, represents the plants portrayed on pl. 62 of the Historia. Although in figure 6 of the plate the figure of our species is shown bearing three fruiting spikes, the specimen itself possesses only one. This may be a case of artists' license, since the spikes certainly appear to be unnaturally crowded in the figure. There is no doubt, however, that the specimen is an American one and the figure an accurate representation of it.

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