
Álvarez Rixo devotes much of his time to create and collect materials, firmly convinced, as he himself confess, that «all events that are not recorded in writing are finally forgotten or altered in traditions». His work is astonishing in extension and variety; the historical research is to be emphasized, but there is also place for contributions of linguistic, literary and anthropological nature, amongst other areas. On this occasion, the analysis is focused on an unpublished piece of his personal archive, the Diccionario geográfico de estas Islas Canarias, intentado por el joven D. Cipriano Gorrín, natural del Puerto de la Cruz, en 1816. This is an unfinished project, but it has the relevant quality of being the first attempt to develop a toponymic catalogue made in the Canaries. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-7301.40.159

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