
Prostate cancer (PC) is the most pressing oncourological pathology due to a steady increase in morbidity and mortality from this pathology in the Russian Federation. The detection frequency of the common forms of the disease remains high. The combined chemo-hormonal therapy is the main method of treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. The refractoriness of the tumour to the ongoing castration therapy is an inevitable stage of the course of the disease in all patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy. However, castration therapy aimed at reducing endogenous testosterone in this cohort of patients should be continued. Eligard is one of the most studied drugs to conduct the drug castration therapy in patients with prostate cancer, which efficacy has been proven in numerous clinical studies in both continuous and intermittent mode using depot forms of various durations of action. The article presents a review of clinical studies that assessed the efficacy of Eligard therapy in different regimens and with the use of depot forms of various duration, which demonstrated equal effectiveness of such forms.

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