
A new trace fossil, Lunulichnus tuberosus, is described from fluvial deposits of the Wasatch Formation (early Eocene) at Fossil Butte National Monument, southwestern Wyoming, USA. L. tuberosus are straight, vertical to obliquely oriented, unlined cylindrical burrows with pronounced crescent-shaped wall sculptings. In situ examples of these trace fossils are most commonly preserved as sand-filled casts emanating from the erosional bases of fluvial channel sandstone bodies into underlying floodplain mudstone/siltstone beds. L. tuberosus is interpreted as the dwelling trace of a stream-dwelling decapod crustacean. Excellent preservation of fine detail, particularly their diagnostic crescent-shaped wall sculptings, support the hypothesis that L. tuberosus were excavated in firm substrata subjacent to fluvial erosional surfaces. As such, they are interpreted as constituents of alluvial Glossifungites trace fossil assemblages.

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