
e20671 Background: For metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), guidelines include molecular testing for actionable biomarkers and recommend broad profile testing. Yet previous studies indicate that not all patients with NSCLC receive testing, even for actionable mutations in EGFR, ALK, and ROS. We hypothesized low testing rates for patients calling a community HelpLine and that we could increase rates with one-on-one caller education and free precision medicine services. Methods: Caller statistics were collected on the toll-free Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) HelpLine from Sept 1, 2016 – Jan 31, 2017. Recruitment to the LungMATCH molecular testing program began Nov 10, 2017. Patients are recruited through conversations on the LCA HelpLine, then consented into Perthera Cancer Analysis (PCA) through an IRB-approved registry protocol. PCA includes tissue acquisition, multi-omic molecular profiling, and medical review of testing results and clinical and treatment history. PCA reports are returned to both treating physicians and patients. Data is being collected longitudinally on treatment decisions, patient outcomes including progression-free and overall survival, and patient experience. Results: Data from the LCA Helpline identified a gap in molecular testing. 50% (57/115) of patients asked if they received any kind of molecular testing replied "No". Of 32 patients who were tested and knew the results, patients indicated potentially actionable changes in EGFR(15), ALK(8), PD-L1(3), RET, MET, BRAF, and HER2, along with KRAS (4). Since LungMATCH launch, 23 interested patients were referred for PCA. Six patients consented and are undergoing PCA with seven more in the consent process. Reasons for non-consent include: doctor refusal, initiation of testing at the treating institution, concern about financial implications, and one death. Updated results will be presented. Conclusions: Our data indicate that patients with lung cancer are not receiving molecular testing in accordance to guidelines. To address this, we created a program through nonprofit-corporate partnership that navigates patients and their physicians through comprehensive precision therapy. This type of program is feasible and there is patient interest.

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