
We propose a new computer-aided detection system that uses 3D convolutional neural networks (CNN) for detecting lung nodules in low dose computed tomography. The system leverages both a priori knowledge about lung nodules and confounding anatomical structures and data-driven machine-learned features and classifier. Specifically, we generate nodule candidates using a local geometric-model-based filter and further reduce the structure variability by estimating the local orientation. The nodule candidates in the form of 3D cubes are fed into a deep 3D convolutional neural network that is trained to differentiate nodule and non-nodule inputs. We use data augmentation techniques to generate a large number of training examples and apply regularization to avoid overfitting. On a set of 99 CT scans, the proposed system achieved state-of-the-art performance and significantly outperformed a similar hybrid system that uses conventional shallow learning. The experimental results showed benefits of using a priori models to reduce the problem space for data-driven machine learning of complex deep neural networks. The results also showed the advantages of 3D CNN over 2D CNN in volumetric medical image analysis.

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