
<p>隨著新冠疫情的穩定,國際旅遊又見復甦,民眾會有機會接觸到一些國內較少見的感染源。醫師在面對旅遊返國的民眾,應仔細詢問病人旅遊史及接觸史,須考慮一些國內較少見的診斷。沙門氏菌屬於腸道傳染病,在自來水不普及與環境衛生較差的地區,特別容易引發疾病。其感染一般以腸胃道症狀為主,本案例則是較少見的沒有腸胃道症狀而直接出現肺膿瘍。但本案例中無法求證得知是源自國外或回國後感染。</p> <p> </p><p>With the growing popularity of international tourism, people have more opportunities to contact with some less common local sources of infection abroad. When facing people returning home from traveling abroad, doctors should carefully inquire about the patients’ travel and contact history and stay vigilant to take diagnoses uncommon in their home countries into consideration. Salmonella is a common intestinal infectious disease, especially in regions where tap water is not widely available and environmental sanitation is substandard. Patients infected mainly manifest gastrointestinal symptoms. We report herein a less common case: Salmonella lung abscess. We are, however, unable to confirm whether the patient was infected while traveling abroad or after returning home.</p> <p> </p>

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