
Abstract The study investigated the role of physical activity, from midlife to older age, in relation to lung function in older age. In order to increase the understanding of the relationship between physical activity and lung function, the relationship between physical activity in midlife and physical activity in older age was also studied. Two Swedish studies based on nationally representative samples were used in this study, the Level of Living Survey, LNU, and the Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old, SWEOLD. The participants were interviewed on three occasions; at the mean ages of 53 years, 61 years, and 81 years. The average follow-up time from the last to the first interview was 24-30 years. The results show that more physical activity in late midlife (mean age of 61 years) was associated with better lung function in older age. The association persists but attenuates when physical activity in older age was included in the analyses. There was also a strong association between physical activity in older age and better lung function in older age. Physical activity in late midlife had a positive association with physical activity in older age. This study shows the importance of physical activity in late midlife and in older ages to maintain good lung function in older ages. To invest in preventive actions in the form of physical activity are vital to be able to promote healthy aging, and should include the oldest old (76+).

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