
<b>Recent Advances in Respiratory Medicine,</b>No. 1, edited by T. B. Stretton, 311 pp, with illus, $32,50, New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1976. Recently two books have appeared whose stated purpose is to give physicians interested in pulmonary disease a succinct overview of new developments. In the United States, the American Thoracic Society, with John Murray as editor, has published the second volume in the series "Lung Disease: State of the Art." Twelve essays, all of which have appeared in the<i>American Review of Respiratory Disease</i>, have been chosen for publication. The subjects, ranging from occupational lung disease to "General Anesthesia and the Lung," are comprehensive in detail and written by authorities in their field. The quality of photomicrograph and xray reproduction is excellent, while the diagrams are explicit. The essays are of the highest quality, and the price is modest for this high-quality volume. Since these essays are accessible separately

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