
In patients with rheumatic heart defects, disorders in the small circle of blood circulation are quickly joined by violations of the gas exchange function of the lungs [3]. The diffusion of gases through the alveolar-capillary membrane is one of the cardinal processes that realize the main function of the lungs - gas exchange, and violations of the diffusion ability of the lungs belong to the early, intimate pathogenetic mechanisms of respiratory failure in patients with rheumatism. The data available in the literature on the study of the diffusion capacity of the lungs in patients with rheumatic heart defects are few [1]. The influence of the activity of the rheumatic process on alveolar-capillary diffusion and the state of pulmonary capillary blood flow in the early stages of rheumatism in the absence of clinical manifestations of respiratory and hemodynamic disorders has not been studied, which justifies further in-depth research in this direction.

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