
Compositional aspects of impact basin materials can be analyzed using multispectral image data acquired by the Galileo solid state imaging (SSI) experiment during the December 1990 lunar encounter. These data provide important information on the spectral properties of the western lunar limb and parts of the far side. The SSI images cover the wavelength range 0.4–1.0 μm, allowing measurement of spectral slope and estimation of the strength of the 1 μm absorption due to iron in the mafic minerals olivine and pyroxene. Among deposits of the 930‐km‐diameter Orientale basin, exterior ejecta comprising the Hevelius Formation is relatively homogeneous and spectrally similar to mature Apollo 16 soils, suggesting an upper crustal source. The centrally located Maunder Formation is distinct from the younger mare basalts but comparable to the Hevelius Formation in its spectral reflectance properties, supporting an interpretation as basin impact melt. The Montes Rook Formation, located in an annulus between the Maunder and the Hevelius, shows a slightly stronger mafic absorption and may be the deepest crustal material excavated. The distal Orientale deposits show local mafic enhancements (in the Schiller‐Schickard and Mendel‐Rydberg regions) interpreted to represent pre‐Orientale mare deposits, or cryptomaria, intermixed with overlying basin ejecta. In this case, maria of sizes comparable to those presently observed were widespread in this region before the Orientale impact. Mixing‐model analyses are consistent with the ballistic erosion and sedimentation model for ejecta emplacement in the distal regions beyond the continuous ejecta deposit. On the southern lunar farside, a huge area with an enhanced mafic absorption corresponds to the interior and rim of the pre‐Nectarian South Pole‐Aitken impact basin, 2000–2500 km in diameter. The anomaly is interpreted to be due to several factors, including excavation into the more mafic lower crust, and the presence of extensive early volcanic fill (cryptomare), similar to that seen in ancient basins such as Smythii and Australe. These results show that although basin‐forming events are an important factor in producing lateral heterogeneities in crustal composition, and in modifying preexisting deposits (such as cryptomaria), the majority of material in even the largest basins was excavated from crustal levels. Our results suggest a gradational vertical crustal stratigraphy consisting of an uppermost mixed crustal layer of anorthosite, basin ejecta, and cryptomaria deposits (generally corresponding to the megaregolith), an upper crustal layer of anorthosite, and a lower more noritic layer. Many of the basic questions remaining from this study could be addressed by global high‐resolution geochemical and mineralogical data obtained by polar orbiting spacecraft.

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