
Indian astronomical texts have records of lunar astronomy since the Puranic age. In the VedngaJyotia (1350 B CE), the algorithm for computing eclipses is not found. This phenomenon was interpretedin the Siddhntic texts as the occurrence of Vyatipati Yoga. This paper attempts to explain the computingand observational method found in astronomical texts of Siddhntic period.Key words: Lunar astronomy; Puranic age; Siddhntic texts1. INTRODUCTIONThe earliest description of a solar eclipse can be found ingveda, the oldest document from India, dated between1700 and 1400 B CE (Subbarayappa, 2008; Sarma S delta = {03 deg 05 min Eclipsed Moon = 12 h17 m; delta = {02 deg 13 min. It is therefore evidentthat during the totality of the eclipse both the Moonand the star had a meridian transit and aryabhata hadthe opportunity to obtain a check of the longitude ofthe Moon as well as its zero parallax by comparing itwith the longitude of Citra. Bhaskara I explains theimportance of meridian observations of the Moon in hisbook in verse no. 39. The approximate time of con-junction of the Moon with the meridian ecliptic point isdetermined and successively the Moon and the meridianecliptic points are computed until agreement is reached.Varhamihira explains in his Bhatsamhit the real causes713

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