
The luminescent properties of Gd3PO7:Eu were investigated in UVand VUV regions. This phosphor has such strong emissions around 618.5 nm underUV excitation, especially around 209 nm, that it has a better coloursaturation than that of Y2O3:Eu. It could be a new potential redphosphor for lamp and other applications with UV-excitation source or evenfor displaying devices. In the VUV excitation spectrum of Eu3+emissions, energy absorptions by Gd3+, Gd-O and PO43- have beenobserved, on which it can be inferred that there are three kinds of energytransferring processes to Eu3+ ions. The energy absorptions ofGd3+, Gd-O and PO43- are induced by 4f→4f transitions,a bandgap transition of Gd3PO7 and intramolecular (2t2→2a,3t2) transition, respectively. The energy transfer efficiency of thePO43- intramolecular transition is lower compared with that of thebandgap transition (Gd-O).

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