
This paper presents the results of the study of electronic excitations in undopedLiBaAlF6 single crystals by means of luminescence spectroscopy and complimentary opticalmethods. The intrinsic emission at 4.2 eV due to self-trapped excitons was identified.The fast nanosecond defect-related luminescence was revealed at 3.0 eV. Bothemissions degrade under electron beam irradiation, the most probable reasonof which is defect creation introducing an additional non-radiative relaxationchannel prohibiting energy transfer to luminescence centers. These defects canbe recovered and luminescence intensity restored at higher temperatures (>200 K). The permanent damage by electron beam irradiation results only in overall growth ofthe absorption coefficient in the whole 1.5–6.5 eV spectral region studied. Theanalysis of thermally stimulated luminescence glow curves in the temperaturerange of 5–410 K revealed two shallow charge carrier traps with the activationenergies of 0.22 and 0.33 eV, respectively. The luminescence of an impurity peaked at2.5 eV was found and tentatively assigned to an oxygen-related emission center.

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