
Lumbosacral spinal neurons activated via the spinocervical tract were stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase in cats anaesthetized with chloralose and paralysed with gallamine triethiodide. The neurons were activated orthodromically by single shock stimulation of the ipsilateral dorsolateral funiculus at the second to third cervical segment, but not from the rostral part of the first cervical segment. Twenty nine cells were recovered from the histological material and subsequently reconstructed from transverse sections. Sixteen cells (55%) had axons that projected ipsilaterally to the lateral funiculus and their somata were located in two regions of the spinal cord, one group in the dorsal horn (laminae IV-V) and the other in the intermediate gray matter (laminae VI-VII). The axons of 10 of these cells gave off collaterals, and in seven of them the collaterals ramified in the grey matter deep to the cell body. The axons of five cells (17%) projected medially towards the central canal, four crossing the mid line in the ventral white commissure and ascending in the contralateral ventral funiculus. Only one of these cells had an axon collateral that crossed into the contralateral dorsal horn. Of the remaining eight cells, three had no obvious long axons but had many local axon collaterals, the axons of three cells were not stained, one had an axon projecting towards the ipsilateral ventral funiculus and one was a motoneuron and its axon projected into a ventral root. A feature of the dendritic trees of many cells was their wide spread in the mediolateral and/or the dorsoventral directions, although no dendrites reached dorsally into lamina II. Twenty-two cells (76%) were excited by moving hairs and by noxious pinch, three (10%) by hair movement alone, two (7%) by noxious pinch and pressure, and for two cells (7%) no receptive field could be found. It is concluded that not only postsynaptic dorsal column neurons receive input from the spinocervical tract but also other cells in the dorsal and ventral horns and the intermediate gray matter. Possible identities for these cells are discussed.

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