
espanolEste articulo reconstruye la obra de Ludwig von Mises, con especial enfasis en su mirada sobre el rol del economista en la sociedad. Es posible identificar tres fases en esta trayectoria: la primera, en su infancia y juventud, marcada por una vision glorificada del Estado como motor de progreso y coordinacion social; la segunda, desde la publicacion de Teoria del dinero y del credito (1912) hasta su salida de Viena en 1934, a causa de la amenaza del nazismo en Austria; y la tercera, desde su llegada a Ginebra hasta su fallecimiento en Estados Unidos. A lo largo de estos periodos se pueden apreciar dos facetas de Mises: una academica y otra como actor relevante en la discusion de politicas publicas. Este ultimo aspecto de Mises ha sido mas ignorado; sin embargo, es fundamental para entender su posicion respecto al rol del economista. EnglishThis article reconstructs the work of Ludwig von Mises around his view of the role of the economist in society. It is possible to identify three phases in this trajectory: the first, in his infancy and youth, marked by a glorified vision of the State as a motor of progress and social coordination; the second from the publication of The Theory of Money and Credit (1912) until his departure from Vienna in 1934 because of the Nazi threat in Austria; and the third from his arrival in Geneva until his death in the United States. During these periods two facets of Mises can be seen: one academic and the other as a major actor in the discussion of public policies. This latter aspect of Mises has been more overlooked; however, it is fundamental to an understanding of his position on the role of the economist.

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