
Mechanics, which is the theory of the balance of forces and the motion of mass systems, rigid bodies, elastic bodies and liquid and gaseous media is, as far as the fundamental laws are concerned, already an old and thoroughly established science. Yet it is still filled with pulsating life even today; because advancing technology ensures a constant and abundant supply of new problems. In our times advances in higher arithmetic alone have now opened many possibilities toward the successful completion of research that had been considered too hard to tackle before. What is more, teamwork is increasingly replacing the individual scholar.[3] An individual’s research work is fed by an inner drive and is dependent only to a very slight degree upon the political and economic circumstances of the outside world. The contrary is true in the case of teamwork, since it can only come about when important goals are set and the government leadership is willing to grant it funding. It can thus be clearly demonstrated that in the wake of the seizure of power six years ago, and especially following the return of the German nation to military fitness, very great progress became possible also in the various branches of research in mechanics. This is closely related to the fact that skilled research groups were now able to investigate the problems thoroughly. A most obvious example is the work connected to the development of our new German Air Force.[4] This area will be given special attention in the examples presented in the following.

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