
ABSTRACT Efficiency of polycapillary halfiens use in the diffractometry of protein macromolecules have been investigated. It wasshown, that Kumakhov optics allows to decrease sharply an exposure time.Keywords: capillary optics, diffractometry, macromolecules 1. INTRODUCTION The first investigation of using the Kumakhov lenses in the diffractometry was performed about 10 years ago.' Theinvestigations confirmed that the capillary halfiens transforms efficiently a divergent radiation into a quasiparallel one.Thanks to this fact, the exposure time in the diffractometry may be decreased by tens times.2 In a most cases diffractioninvestigations need a parallel monochromatic beams; however, there also are an exceptions.At the last two decades the diffractometry of a protein macromolecules are widely practised. This direction, which is at the junction of the crystallography, genetics, and biology, is developed very intensively. The possibility of obtaining information on the protein macromolecules seemed to be extremely important, because such an information is necessary fordiagnose of the nature of illnesses, e.g., virus diseases, AIDS, etc.In such experiments, as a rule, the small specimens (< 1 mm) and low divergent monochromatic beams (102 5 .

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