
Search ofthe correspondence between the control points for registration ofthe projectively deformed imagesToma Suk and Jan FlusserInstitute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences ofthe Czech RepublicPod vodarenskou veI 4, 182 08 Praha 8, The Czech Republic, e-mail: suk@utia.cas.czABSTRACTThe algorithm for search ofthe correspondence between the points from two planar finite point sets is presented. Theprojective transformation between the point sets is supposed, but points without correspondence in the other set can bepresented in both sets. The algorithm is based on the comparison oftwo projective and permutation invariants offive-tuples ofthe points. The most hopeful five-tuples are then used for the computation of the projective transformation and that with themaximum of corresponding points is used.Key words: registration, projective transform, control points, projective invariants, permutation invariants1. INTRODUCTIONOne of the important tasks in image processing and remote sensing is a registration of images captured under differentviewing angles. If the scene is planar, then the distortion between two frames can be described by projective transform

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