
The scheme of recording of reflective volume Fourier holograms in monochromatic light with partial spatial coherence is presented. The scheme contains posed on one optical axis an illuminated or self-luminous object, Fourier-objective, photosensitive medium and concave mirror. The light is proposed to be monochromatic with partial spatial coherence. The object is located in a front focal plane of the Fourier-objective. Photosensitive medium is placed in a back focal plane of the Fourier-objective, and the mirror is posed on a double focal length of the mirror from photosensitive medium. The light from input object is focused by the Fourier-objective in a volume of photosensitive medium, shaping a far field diffraction pattern of input object. This pattern is partial coherent analog of Fourier transform of input object. The light transmitted through the medium falls on the concave mirror and is reflected back, thus the mirror shapes the second copy of far field diffraction pattern of input object in the volume of photosensitive medium. Thus, these two light waves, propagating in the opposite directions, form the interference pattern in photosensitive medium, and a reflective volume Fourier hologram is recorded by monochromatic light with partial spatial coherence. The experiments on recording of these holograms and image reconstruction were realized. Patent by Russian Federation No2176099 on the device of recording of reflective volume holographic Fourier-filter in light with partial spatial coherence was taken out. Described reflective volume Fourier-holograms can be used in optical correlators as the spatial filters and spectral selectors at image recognition both in monochromatic and polychromatic light.

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