
Photopolymer material (PPM) is the organic I i ght-sensi tive medium. Due to light irradiation the polymerization of the initial monomer occurs causing the refractive index change. Therefore these materials al low the phase hologram recording with the high diffraction efficiency (DE). PPM used in holography can be separated by the three types : - Ii quid PPM based on the I i quid monomers which polymer1zatlon takes place between two plate glasses, - solid PPM with polymer matrix photocross- linking, - amorfous PPM containing matrix polymer fi Im and monomer, initiator and sensibilizator. Liquid arid sol i d PPM are elaborated for holography E 1-4], but they are used for a long time in the field of microelect ronics, reprography arid other photoprocesses. Amorfous PPM was created especially for holographic purposes. It attracts users by the real- t i ne record I ng, fac I I I ty of nter I al deve 1opnnt without any wet process. PPM described in E 5, 6) and PPM of' Du Pont De Nemours [7] are the nteria1s of this kind. In the present paper the chemical approach in the elaboration of anrfous PPM for the hologram recording by the HeNe- laser I s descr I bed. The pecul I ar i t i es of the recording process i n the new PPM are also dIscussed.

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