
JSC LZOS under the contract with Carl Zeiss Jena, Germany produced 645 mm (F/2.5) secondary mirror for TTL project (Telescope Technologies Limited, Great Britain) during 1999- 2001. The asphericity is approximately 12 micrometers from the nearest sphere. The system of primary and secondary mirrors has 80% encircle energy within less than 0.2 arcsec. The surface error RMS is about 9 nm. 753 mm (F/2) secondary mirror for NOA project (Astronomical Institute - National Observatory of Athens, Greece) was produced. The asphericity is approximately 26 micrometers . The surface area RMS is about 12 nm. The telescope field of view is approximately 1.04 degrees. The system of primary and secondary mirrors has 80% encircle energy within less that 0.3 arcsec. 938 mm (F/2.3) secondary mirror for VST project (VLT Survey Telescope, Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte Napoli) was produced. The asphericity is approximately 100 micrometers . The telescope field of view with corrector will be 1.5 degrees. Three Hindle sphere 1610 mm, 1640 mm and 1985 mm in diameter with radii of 6300 mm, 3995 mm and 2708 mm were used to test three secondary mirrors. Each convex hyperbolic mirror was tested by using two Hindle spheres. The wavefront of tested mirror was determined by wavefront superposition method.

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