
In this paper we address the problem of detecting targets in hyperspectral images when the target signature is buried in random noise and interference (from other materials in the same pixel). We assume that the hyperspectral pixel measurement is a linear combination of the target and interference signatures observed in additive noise. The linear mixing assumption leads to a linear vector space interpretation of the measurement vector, which can be decomposed into a noise-only subspace and a target-plus- interference subspace. While it is true that the target and interference subspaces are orthogonal to the noise-only subspace, the target subspace and interference subspace are, in general, not orthogonal. The non-orthogonality between the target and interference subspaces results in leakage of interference signals into the output of matched filters resulting in false detections (i.e., higher false alarm rates). In this paper, we replace the Matched Filer Detector (MFD), which is based on orthogonal projections, with a Matched Subspace Detector (MSD), which is built on non- orthogonal or oblique projections. The advantage of oblique projections is that they eliminate the leakage of interference signals into the detector, thereby making detectors based on oblique projections invariant to the amount of interference. Furthermore, under Gaussian assumptions for the additive noise, it has been shown that the MSD is Uniformly Most Powerful (higher probability of detect for a fixed probability of false alarm) among all detectors that share this invariance to interference power. In this paper we evaluate the ability of two versions of the MSD to detect targets in HYDICE data collected over sites A and B located at the U.S. Army Yuma proving grounds. We compute data derived receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves and show that the MSD out- performs the MFD.

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