
The Florida Institue of Technology and the Phillips Laboratory have developed several advanced visible (0.4-0.8 micrometers ) imaging fourier transform spectrometer (IFTS) brassboards, which simultaneously acquire one spatial and one spectral dimension of the hyperspectral image cube. The initial versions of these instruments may be scanned across a scene or configured with a scan mirror to pick up the second spatial dimension of the image cube. The current visible hyperspectral imagers possess a combination of features, including (1) low to moderate spectral resolution for hundreds/thousands of spectral channels, (2) robust design, with no moving parts, (3) detector limited free spectral range, (4) detector-limited spatial and spectral resolution, and (5) field widened operation. The utility of this type of instrument reaches its logical conclusion however, with an instrument designed to acquire all three dimensions of the hyperspectral image cube (both spatial and one spectral) simultaneously. In this paper we present the (1) detailed optical system designs for the brassboard instruments, (2) the current data acquisition system, (3) data reduction and analysis techniques unique to hyperspectral sensor systems which operate with photometric accuracy, and (4) several methods to modify the basic instrument design to allow simultaneous acquistion of the entire hyperspectral image cube. The hyperspectral sensor systems which are being developed and whose utility is being pioneered by Florida Tech and the Phillips Laboratory are applicable to numerous DoD and civil applications including (1) space object identification, (2) radiometrically correct satellite image and spectral signature database observations, (3) simultaneous spactial/spectral observations of booster plumes for strategic and surrogate tactical missile signature identification, and (4) spatial/spectral visible and IR astronomical observations with photometric accuracy.

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