
The 3rd generation of infrared (IR) detection modules is expected to provide higher video resolution, advanced functions like multi band or multi color capability, higher frame rates, and better thermal resolution. AIM has developed staring and linear high performance focal plane arrays (FPA) integrated into detector/dewar cooler assemblies (IDCA). Linear FPA’s support high resolution formats such as 1920 x 1152 (HDTV), 1280 x 960, or 1536 x 1152. Standard format for staring FPA’s is 640 x 512. In this configuration, QEIP devices sensitive in the 8 - 10 µm band as well as MCT devices sensitive in the 3.4 - 5.0 µm band are available. A 256 x 256 high speed detection module allows a full frame rate >800 Hz. Especially usability of long wavelength devices in high performance FLIR systems does not only depend on the classical electrooptical performance parameters such as NEDT, detectivity, and response homogeneity, but are mainly characterized by the stability of the correction coefficients used for image correction. The FPA’s are available in suited integrated detector/dewar cooler assemblies. The linear cooling engines are designed for maximum stability of the focal plane temperature, low operating temperatures down to 60K, high MTTF lifetimes of 6000h and above even under high ambient temperature conditions. The IDCA’s are equipped with AIM standard or custom specific command and control electronics (CCE) providing a well defined interface to the system electronics. Video output signals are provided as 14 bit digital data rates up to 80 MHz for the high speed devices.

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